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Layrite Superhold Pomade - 1.5oz

SKU: LR-202
Regular price $12.50
Regular price $0.00 Sale price $12.50

High Hold, Water-Based: Ideal for challenging styles and thick, coarse hair. Even Distribution: Works well in thick, curly hair. Flexible Hold: Keeps hair in place all day without stiffness. No Flaking: Maintains a clean look. Smooths Hair: Contains conditioners from Coconut Oil and Castor Oil for frizz control. Versatile: Suitable for all hair lengths, from short to long.
Container of Layrite Superhold Pomade, designed for high hold and easy styling of medium to thick, curly hair.

Layrite Super Hold



Layrite Superhold Pomade is expertly formulated for those with hard-to-control hair, providing an incredible high hold that masters even the most demanding styles. This water-based pomade offers ultimate control, making it perfect for thick, coarse, or curly hair. Its ability to distribute easily means you can achieve even the highest elevation styles without the struggle.

Ideal for medium to curly, coarse, or thick hair of all lengths, Layrite Superhold Pomade excels in crafting high-elevation and messy wet looks for unruly hair. It grips hair firmly, shaping it as desired, while also managing and helping to straighten curls. The pomade dries with a flexible hold, ensuring your style stays in place all day without any flaking. Plus, it's imbued with a signature mild cream soda scent that adds a pleasant touch to your styling routine.

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